Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MTV Is Srsly Severing The Arteries That Strengthened Them. Raise Your Hand If You're Shocked.

If there's one thing I love, it's snark. And the following post I'm about to write is chock full of it. So you might as well sit back, relax, and smoke a joint (or two), because I am about to bring it.

For the past five or so years, MTV has become so consumed with ratings and publicity that it's become normal for them to just churn out a reality show about just any damn thing. And the sad part? People will watch said reality show mainly for three reasons:

1) Because they've been conditioned to fall in love with anything that flickers across their little TV boxes

2) They don't really seem to realize that most of the things on their little TV boxes is not real, and

3) See numbers 1 and 2.

Like many people born in the 80's and 90's, I long for the days when MTV churned out programs that appealed to all music-lovers. Whether you were a hip-hop head (Yo! MTV Raps) or a metal-head (Headbanger's Ball), MTV had an artist that appealed to you.

And for those who loved a little comedy with a few musical references tossed in, Beavis and Butt-Head were there to do it all (with those contagious laughs of theirs) along with the cynical high-schooler we all know and love, Daria Morgendorffer.

And believe it or not, but The Real World wasn't always about random hot-tub hookups, overly dramatic screaming and crying every 4.6 seconds, and the abundant exchanges of bodily fluids and maybe an STD or two. And it sure as hell wasn't a starting point for the castmates to further whore themselves out on that gawd-awful show, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, with TJ "I seriously need to get a new career" Lavin as its host.

Which brings me to the point I'm trying to make: If people that likened themselves to Daria, Kurt Cobain, and Tabitha Soren were trying to get their foot in the door at MTV's corporate headquarters, chances are they would not get that far. Heaven forbid someone with the slightest modicum of rawness and individuality decide to fuck up the bubble-gum pop and manufactured immorality that MTV queefs out on a daily basis.

But let some even cheaper knockoff of Heidi Potato-Head or Parasite Hilton or even worse, one of those Jersey Whores (dear God, why have they not keeled over from cirrhosis or melanoma?) go up to a cameraman and be all "WHOO!!! I WANNA BE FAMOUS LYK SOOO FRIKKIN BAD, I'LL DO ANYTHING 4 REALZ!!!" Blammo, you got yourself a show.

Since when has it become cool for MTV to totally sever the arteries that strengthened them?

Check out the original article here:

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